Its time for the final screenshot thread! Show us what ya got here!
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    Ingal145Ingal145 Posts: 3 New Member
    > @breezyc said:
    > I think an online dating kinda thing would be super cool seeing as though thats a major way people are dating these days.
    > I also think that being able to actually live in the places we can only travel in (the jungle adventure expansion, or the outdoor adventure expansion) or even new exotic locations.
    > **Not a pack exactly but I also thing it would be cool if there was an online option to be able to play with and visit other peoples neighboorhoods. My sister who lives across the country and plays sims and i think it would be cool to be able to have my sims go over to her house and visit her sims.

    I MISS The Sims Online as Well , wish they would bring it back. It was great when they had Online SIMs
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    MikeDKMikeDK Posts: 3 New Member
    cop and robber pack in the sense you can either play as a robber that can picklock people's homes, banks, museums, restaurant, or bar and steal their belongings and then sell the items on the black market and if the people are home you can either have an option to knock them out if they're not looking but if they are you can choose to eliminate them, but if you do that you have to wait a whole day to elude the cops. On the other hand you can play as a cop and go on patrol and protect the neighborhood, if you have an altercation with a suspect, you can either issue them a citation, arrest them, or take them out; but it depends on the type of crime a sim committed.
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    edited July 2021
    MikeDK wrote: »
    cop and robber pack in the sense you can either play as a robber that can picklock people's homes, banks, museums, restaurant, or bar and steal their belongings and then sell the items on the black market and if the people are home you can either have an option to knock them out if they're not looking but if they are you can choose to eliminate them, but if you do that you have to wait a whole day to elude the cops. On the other hand you can play as a cop and go on patrol and protect the neighborhood, if you have an altercation with a suspect, you can either issue them a citation, arrest them, or take them out; but it depends on the type of crime a sim committed.

    I don’t think that will be included in the game. Mainly due to the robbers knocking the sims they are robbing from as well as the option to eliminate them. And the cops taking out the robbers. Mainly because this game has a teen rating.
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    Marycool33Marycool33 Posts: 151 Member
    a pack that focuses on bands would be pretty doable and it's something that's been on my wishlist ever since city living came out. with the recent summer festival stuff and the fact that previous installments had drums, getting a pack like this would actually make sense. my ideas for it, however, are quite ambitious (if not downright delusional lol but a girl can dream)

    these are my general dream features:
    - there could be two different kinds of bands: rock bands and orchestra bands
    - teens could be band geeks (and be part of the school's orchestra) or garage band punks (and have a band with their friends).
    - kids could do the same but in a much more childish way (they'd have recitals if they were in the school band and they'd have pretend-concerts if they started a rock band).
    - adults could be a part of either type of band as a career. if they chose to be in an orchestra, they could play an instrument or be a maestro for their world's official orchestra band (basically, each world would have its own orchestra and they could even compete against each other like once a sim-year). if an adult chose to be in a rock band, they could be one of its members or its manager (or both, i guess).
    - new instruments would include the drums and bass guitar for rock bands + some type of brass instrument (like the trumpet or the saxophone), some type of woodwind instrument (like the clarinet or the flute), and some type of percussion (like a xylophone) for the orchestras.
    - additional features would include band competitions, rival band drama and even some internal drama between band members, different types of events and sponsorship opportunities, going through the entire process of creating and releasing music albums, and all sorts of other little details to really spice things up

    like i said, this is all very delusional, but i'll be content if we get a simpler pack as long as it lets us have a band of some sort
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    Justa_G00fJusta_G00f Posts: 1,075 Member
    edited July 2021
    Marycool33 wrote: »
    a pack that focuses on bands would be pretty doable and it's something that's been on my wishlist ever since city living came out. with the recent summer festival stuff and the fact that previous installments had drums, getting a pack like this would actually make sense. my ideas for it, however, are quite ambitious (if not downright delusional lol but a girl can dream)

    these are my general dream features:
    - there could be two different kinds of bands: rock bands and orchestra bands
    - teens could be band geeks (and be part of the school's orchestra) or garage band punks (and have a band with their friends).
    - kids could do the same but in a much more childish way (they'd have recitals if they were in the school band and they'd have pretend-concerts if they started a rock band).
    - adults could be a part of either type of band as a career. if they chose to be in an orchestra, they could play an instrument or be a maestro for their world's official orchestra band (basically, each world would have its own orchestra and they could even compete against each other like once a sim-year). if an adult chose to be in a rock band, they could be one of its members or its manager (or both, i guess).
    - new instruments would include the drums and bass guitar for rock bands + some type of brass instrument (like the trumpet or the saxophone), some type of woodwind instrument (like the clarinet or the flute), and some type of percussion (like a xylophone) for the orchestras.
    - additional features would include band competitions, rival band drama and even some internal drama between band members, different types of events and sponsorship opportunities, going through the entire process of creating and releasing music albums, and all sorts of other little details to really spice things up

    like i said, this is all very delusional, but i'll be content if we get a simpler pack as long as it lets us have a band of some sort

    I was a Band Geek from 5th grade on and don't feel this is delusional at all! In fact, if we have rock bands then, we need the "smash guitar" and "wreck drums" ability. Also, at the start, gigging band members (especially drummers) would have a schedule on gig night...

    6:00 PM - Load drums into vehicle.
    6:25 PM - Head to gig location, before guitarist gets there and hogs the space required for the drums.
    7:12 PM - Arrive at gig, double park and unload drums.
    7:28 PM - Remove ticket from car and look for "Rock Star parking". Settle for parking spot 3 blocks away.
    7:44 PM - Return to gig location and begin setting up drums.
    7:56 PM - Walk 3 blocks back to vehicle to get bass drum pedal you overlooked while cursing parking ticket.
    8:07 PM - Return to gig location to find guitarist has moved drums into unplayable location and lead singer whining that he needs a microphone stand and cord.
    8:30 PM - Finish setting up drums on opposite side of stage from guitarist and insert earplugs until someone provides singer with cord and mic stand.
    8:54 PM - Bassist shows up.
    9:25 PM - Bassist finishes tuning up. Singer finishes beer.
    9:31 PM - Remove earplugs and begin playing gig.
    2:00 AM - Finish gig and collect $60 for your efforts. (Use to pay parking ticket)
    2:19 AM - Tear down and bag drums. Walk to vehicle.
    2:47 AM - Remove mysterious, empty Taco Bell cup from hood of vehicle.
    2:55 AM - Find Rock Star parking and load drums.
    3:11 AM - Leave gig.
    4:10 AM - Arrive at home and wait 'till morning to unload drums.

    mu·si·cian /myo͞oˈziSHən/ : Anyone dumb enough to work 10 hours for $60! Me, for the love of music. 🤣

    Maybe this isn't such a great idea. 🤔😯

    Post edited by Justa_G00f on
    How your Sims builds show your meds' effectiveness

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    Bookworm2009189Bookworm2009189 Posts: 44 Member
    I want more sports, like a soccer game so that you can have some soccer moms, football, cheerleading, and dance too! I just love the idea of my sims doing ballet, but it would be so much better if it was base game!!!!
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    Gamer_34567544Gamer_34567544 Posts: 1,300 Member
    I would like to see something like Sims 3's Into the Future, but with more adventures, obstacles, puzzles, and physical opposition against the player. Give the player a noble (or not-so-noble) reason to alter time. Will you restore order from a threat in time, or twist fate in the favor of a person, a group, your family... or yourself?
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    EliteGirlEliteGirl Posts: 537 Member
    I would like to see something like Sims 3's Into the Future, but with more adventures, obstacles, puzzles, and physical opposition against the player. Give the player a noble (or not-so-noble) reason to alter time. Will you restore order from a threat in time, or twist fate in the favor of a person, a group, your family... or yourself?

    I don't like puzzles in games. If I wanted to play puzzles, I would play games like Candy Crush Saga, but free. But no, I don't want to play puzzles in "The Sims 4". Puzzles are WAY too complicated for me.
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    angelbearangelbear Posts: 151 Member
    I would like more family play.

    For example:
    Babies: I don't mind if they are tied to a Basant honestly. But able to carry them and place them in or on another object such as a little bouncy or play mat in the living room or to a swing or changing table just so they seem less like objects and a little more animate would be nice.

    Toddlers: why I love the toddler/parenthood pack and skills. Id love little play yards or playpens, walkers, and some more interactions. Id love if they could climb under the bed to hide for instance or even into the toy box. I love that they can interact with the animals but id like a few more sibling or parent interactions.

    Children: tree houses, more after-school activities. Id love a chance to have a first crush, or play tag or have friends that actually feel like a child friendship. Sleepovers, summer camp or school even if they have low grades having to go to school when other sims have their summer vacation.Learning to ride a bike or even swim. It bugs me they just automatically know how to swim. I think little floaties and interactions with their parent until they master it would be cute. More aspirations

    Teens: I wish we could do first dates, different heights. Prom would be nice. More/different after-school activities. More sibling interactions. I miss sneaking out and maybe getting caught after curfew. You could still do this in neighborhood lots. Or if they travel. I would love teen specific aspirations instead of just using the adult ones.

    YA: this stage is pretty flushed out I think. But I wish starting funds were reduced and job promotions were a little harder to obtain. Most people do not have 20000 to start with in hand. Most people maybe just have a few thousand. I'd love to start in an apartment and move to a house if feels more worth it. I'd love a banking system where you could pay for credit or loans if you want more money.

    A: I miss mid crises. I loved fulfilling the wishes like get a divorce or dye hair or get a tattoo or new wardrobe ect. You could have a moodlet when it gets closer to their birthday where they become tense or happy about it.

    Elders: id love more elder play. Not just canes and knitting. Id love it if they.medled in their kids lives or tease grand kids or just a few more activities

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    Gamer_34567544Gamer_34567544 Posts: 1,300 Member
    How about more playable jobs like in Get To Work? I'd love to play Techie Guru, criminal, or secret agent! Villains would be amazing, with perhaps some mischief interactions along with using "traps" to slow down any good guys that are on your tail! Getting too close? Maybe spray them with laughing gas that you brought along, or use a sleeping potion!
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    Phantom3655Phantom3655 Posts: 1 New Member
    There should be one where they can be like a werewolf and you can customise how the wolf looks like they do with the mermaid tail when you customise a mermaid sim, having a werewolf sim would go with the vampire and wizard sims it would be so cool
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    temporalgodtemporalgod Posts: 800 Member
    A medieval pack with Elves and Fairies Occults, Horses and Dragons.
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    crocobauracrocobaura Posts: 7,527 Member
    A medieval pack with Elves and Fairies Occults, Horses and Dragons.

    I think that a medieval and horses pack would be too similar to cottage living, somewhat repeating the country life theme. For this reason I don't think we will get such a pack too soon after cottage living. But a medieval looking town with a forrest and werewolves would be wonderful.
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    LeGardePourpreLeGardePourpre Posts: 15,415 Member
    edited November 2021
    Fashion Runway

    Stylist and models preparing the next fashion runway.
    • Model casting
    • Selecting the walkstyles and poses
    • Walk training for the models
    • Selecting the outfits
    • Selecting the decor
    • Selecting the DJ and the music
    • Inviting sims to the event
    • Photo shooting
    • Checking the guests during the party
    Post edited by LeGardePourpre on
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    temporalgodtemporalgod Posts: 800 Member
    edited November 2021
    Incubi/Succubi Occult lifestate GP, it's a new Occult and would be a perfect fit within the sims series with all those woohoo build buy items, and the devs could probably recycle some vampire abilities like alluring aura and emotion burst flirty, fire immunity should also be part of their skill tree.
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    ArarineArarine Posts: 254 Member
    A medieval pack with Elves and Fairies Occults, Horses and Dragons.

    I prefer it as stand alone game more as sims medieval 2 though
    Wish more Recipe/harvestable/woodwork/craftableWish live in businessWish more interactive between sims and activityWish a lot of refresh and Better resize pleaseWish for another colour upgrade swatchWish for pool sliderFix the bug please
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    orangebelugaorangebeluga Posts: 2 New Member
    Moustache barber shop kit.
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    OriginalSimmer2000OriginalSimmer2000 Posts: 1 New Member
    I would love a Carnival Game Pack that includes acrobats, magicians, carnival rides (small coasters, like in the Sims 1 Makin' Magic expansion), carnival games, and carnival food.
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    Lulu29Lulu29 Posts: 171 Member
    With the amount of Harry Potter stuff packs and clothes/items that have been created for CC, it'd be nice to finally see a Harry Potter themed pack.
    Based in a new world with Hogwarts as an option and Hogsmeade. It would be cool to see quidditch included, and we already have Herbalism as a skill. It'd be a shame not to expand on this especially with the amount of Harry Potter themed CC that I've seen around lately.
    They did Star Wars, so can't see why they wouldn't be able to do this too.
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    temporalgodtemporalgod Posts: 800 Member
    Lulu29 wrote: »
    With the amount of Harry Potter stuff packs and clothes/items that have been created for CC, it'd be nice to finally see a Harry Potter themed pack.
    Based in a new world with Hogwarts as an option and Hogsmeade. It would be cool to see quidditch included, and we already have Herbalism as a skill. It'd be a shame not to expand on this especially with the amount of Harry Potter themed CC that I've seen around lately.
    They did Star Wars, so can't see why they wouldn't be able to do this too.

    I love this Idea, and as a Slytherin myself I support this, shame that there's no good slytherins, if Harry was sorted into the Slytherin house, he could have showed people that not all Slytherins are bad.
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    Lulu29Lulu29 Posts: 171 Member
    Lulu29 wrote: »
    With the amount of Harry Potter stuff packs and clothes/items that have been created for CC, it'd be nice to finally see a Harry Potter themed pack.
    Based in a new world with Hogwarts as an option and Hogsmeade. It would be cool to see quidditch included, and we already have Herbalism as a skill. It'd be a shame not to expand on this especially with the amount of Harry Potter themed CC that I've seen around lately.
    They did Star Wars, so can't see why they wouldn't be able to do this too.

    I love this Idea, and as a Slytherin myself I support this, shame that there's no good slytherins, if Harry was sorted into the Slytherin house, he could have showed people that not all Slytherins are bad.

    I love Slytherin's too but I think if I was sorted into the houses it would have to be Hufflepuff. :) I've recently downloaded a lot of Harry Potter CC and think that if they turned it into a pack it would be pretty popular.
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    FirewestgamerFirewestgamer Posts: 30 Member
    Ok I don't have any of the packs bc I need to eat but I do have ideas so that EA can get even more money.
    Superheroes vs Villain EP
    World: Super City
    Super powers like Speed and flying. There would be 20 powers.
    10 new traits
    In the creation menu you'd be able to pick if your good, evil, or neutral.
    The clothing would be superhero and villain costume.
    Capes. I am 99 percent sure it doesn't exist yet.

    Zoo friends EP
    City: Zoo City
    The zoo
    New jobs are zookeeper and zoo janitor.
    50 animals to see at zoo.

    If you want to see more ideas from me and zoo EP idea completed. I'll be posting later
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    Gamer_34567544Gamer_34567544 Posts: 1,300 Member
    Lulu29 wrote: »
    With the amount of Harry Potter stuff packs and clothes/items that have been created for CC, it'd be nice to finally see a Harry Potter themed pack.
    Based in a new world with Hogwarts as an option and Hogsmeade. It would be cool to see quidditch included, and we already have Herbalism as a skill. It'd be a shame not to expand on this especially with the amount of Harry Potter themed CC that I've seen around lately.
    They did Star Wars, so can't see why they wouldn't be able to do this too.

    I love this Idea, and as a Slytherin myself I support this, shame that there's no good slytherins, if Harry was sorted into the Slytherin house, he could have showed people that not all Slytherins are bad.

    I would love this as well... and please make each common room, professor, and Filch and Mrs. Norris correct! If they do this, though, I want new spells and potions- and definitely a curfew to sneak around afterwards, secret passages, and dangerous critters. Oh, and Death Eaters and the Dark Lord. I wonder how the sorting hat would choose the house for Sims? And a wand, how does the wand choose the wizard?

    Part of the deal with Howgwarts is mischief, we need something to get in trouble for.

    Regardless, I also agree that not all Slytherin are bad. They just have a bad reputation. Also, add pet owls, cats, rodents, phoenixes, dogs, and bats.

    Oh, yeah. And don't force us onto the good side should our evil Sims hate us for that. Sorry, Harry... oops- I lied!
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    ArarineArarine Posts: 254 Member
    Pool party pack stuff with variable pool slide, pool valley net, Ride-on Pool float, rubber ring and ability to clean pool and ice shave machine! and we got bg update round pool and basic pool slide!
    Wish more Recipe/harvestable/woodwork/craftableWish live in businessWish more interactive between sims and activityWish a lot of refresh and Better resize pleaseWish for another colour upgrade swatchWish for pool sliderFix the bug please
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